The Power of a Referral: Raven's Experience with Doximity

May 03, 2023 · Dee Kaur

A message from the Health Equity & Inclusion Strategy team:
At Doximity, we are committed to improving the representation of historically excluded groups in tech, so we can help clinicians serve more diverse patient populations. This means expanding our talent pool by reaching beyond traditional networks and diversifying our employee referrals. Similar to sponsorship, referrals can have a positive impact on someone’s career trajectory, especially for underrepresented talent. We appreciate Raven sharing her experience with us below.

How did you hear about and decide to join Doximity?

What initially attracted me to Doximity were some of the personal testimonies I heard from family and friends. My mom, who is a nurse practitioner, spoke very highly of her experience with Doximity Dialer and how it improved her ability to care for patients throughout the pandemic. Another thing I found particularly appealing about Doximity is the company’s emphasis on embracing individuality and encouraging employees to bring their authentic selves to work. Doximity sees the value in individuality and believes it fosters creativity in the workplace.

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to join the Pharma Marketing team. I had previously interviewed for another role with the Data Insights team, but that opportunity didn’t work out at the time. Still, Doximity saw my potential and stayed in contact with me. Within a few months, I received an email from my current manager, who mentioned a member of the Data Insights team recommended considering me for their open role. The position sounded like a great fit. I interviewed and got the opportunity to join the team!

How did being referred to the Pharma Marketing role influence your decision?

Being referred to a role completely changed my experience and approach to the interview process. I’ve had my fair share of interviews. In the past, I always felt the need to sell my skills and personality during the interview and prove that I could mesh well with a team of people that I had never met.

While the first role I interviewed for didn’t work out, knowing team members at Doximity saw my value enough to keep our conversation going definitely increased my desire to join.

With this referral, I felt confident that my skills were a match for the position, and I was more optimistic about my odds of getting the job. Without it, I may have overlooked or missed out on a great opportunity that matches my qualifications and career goals.

What part of the recruiting and interview process stood out the most to you?

While the first role I interviewed for didn’t work out, knowing team members at Doximity saw my value enough to keep our conversation going definitely increased my desire to join. One of the questions I asked employees during my interview process was about their own experience working at the company. Every person I interviewed with throughout my process always spoke of the support they received from managers and teammates. That made me feel confident that I was joining an amazing organization, and that I could trust that I would receive the support I needed to be successful in my job. I have been at Doximity just over two years, and I can honestly say that I have received overwhelming amounts of support not only from my team, but across multiple teams. I’m so glad I was referred to Doximity!

Illustration by April Brust

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